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The Perfect Tool for the New and Seasoned Six Sigma Student
Have you ever thought,
What is 6 Sigma?
Well don't worry, because there are many other people who have asked the same question. Even those of us who have been trained in Six Sigma still need some refreshing every once in a while, in order to help refine and polish our skill level. This website is about a song that walks you through what Six Sigma is, in a fun and entertaining way.
Located below is a quick text definition of 6 Sigma, as well as our 6 Sigma Samurai video. We hope that you learn and get a kick out of it at the same time. The song was produced to help people obtain a better understanding of what Six Sigma is.
The definition of Six Sigma:
A disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects (driving toward six standard deviations between the mean and the nearest specification limit) in any process – from manufacturing to transactional and from product to service.

A Six Sigma instructional video set to music (specifically Asian styled hip-hop)
Welcome to the official Six Sigma Samurai website. 6 Sigma Samurai is a creative song and corresponding music video designed to entertain and educate the individual in basic Six Sigma philosophy. Be sure to explore the website. We have posted video production stills, the story of 6 Sigma Samurai, its inspiration and some facts about the making of the 6 Sigma Samurai. Visit our online store to order your copy of 6 Sigma Samurai.