Hi, my name’s Rob and welcome to my Six Sigma Ninja site!
About the site
I made this site to organise my own studies for the exam (making websites is my way of forgetting I’m studying), but if you find it useful please have a look around. My intention with this site is to help me and others to pass the Six Sigma exams, and use them to make the world more efficient and reduce waste.
It’s come about as I realised that I had lots of pieces of information flying around in my head, but they needed a structured form before I could do my first project (and to provide a reference for me to use in the future). I enjoy making websites so I thought that would be the best way to focus my thinking.
About me
I first encountered Six Sigma working as an accountant in a factory, and got quickly involved in both the management of Six Sigma operatives and in the projects themselves. I’m now learning online (and from books) to get the theory, so I’ve in many ways done this the wrong way round – practise then theory.
I’ve seen the effect that you can have on a company through following Six Sigma, and want to learn as much as possible (and share that knowledge), as I know from first hand that when you’re suddenly surrounded by the jargon it can be a bit daunting, but once you learn it, it can be really valuable.
All images are either made by myself (usually in Microsoft Excel) or are from Shutterstock; I’m sure you can tell which are which! (with the obvious exception of the photo in my ‘about’ section which is just a photo of me)
Copyright notice
I am creating this as a study aid and it is not my intention to impact on anyone’s copyright by putting Six Sigma and Lean theories and processes on this site. I do not intend to use any copyrighted information on this website but if you feel I have accidentally used your copyrighted material without permission please contact me using the comments and I will do my best to resolve it ASAP. The content of my website is copyrighted however; please contact me if you want to reproduce any part of it.
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